Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

#1. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Wenatchee Valley College, WA

0 miles
Average net price: $7K Graduation rate: 29% Median Starting salary: $26K Undergraduate enrollment: 2,619

#2. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Central Washington University, WA

31 miles
Admission rate: 78% Median SAT math score: 535 Median SAT read score: 525 Median ACT composite score: 21 Average net price: $15K Graduation rate: 53% Median Starting salary: $37K Undergraduate enrollment: 10,529

#3. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Big Bend Community College, WA

50 miles
Average net price: $7K Graduation rate: 37% Median Starting salary: $25K Undergraduate enrollment: 1,626

#5. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Yakima Valley College, WA

59 miles
Average net price: $8K Graduation rate: 27% Median Starting salary: $26K Undergraduate enrollment: 2,960

#7. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Perry Technical Institute, WA

60 miles
Admission rate: 74% Average net price: $18K Graduation rate: 80% Median Starting salary: $38K Undergraduate enrollment: 903

#8. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Heritage University, WA

73 miles
Average net price: $9K Graduation rate: 26% Median Starting salary: $30K Undergraduate enrollment: 758

#9. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Bellevue College, WA

85 miles
Average net price: $7K Graduation rate: 26% Median Starting salary: $36K Undergraduate enrollment: 6,757

#10. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Renton Technical College, WA

86 miles
Average net price: $6K Graduation rate: 60% Median Starting salary: $32K Undergraduate enrollment: 1,282

#11. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

DigiPen Institute of Technology, WA

86 miles
Admission rate: 57% Median SAT math score: 630 Median SAT read score: 643 Median ACT composite score: 28 Average net price: $40K Graduation rate: 45% Median Starting salary: $50K Undergraduate enrollment: 873

#12. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Green River College, WA

86 miles
Average net price: $9K Graduation rate: 34% Median Starting salary: $30K Undergraduate enrollment: 5,745

#14. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Pima Medical Institute-Renton, WA

88 miles
Average net price: $25K Graduation rate: 76% Median Starting salary: $27K Undergraduate enrollment: 497

#15. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Northwest University, WA

88 miles
Admission rate: 95% Median SAT math score: 553 Median SAT read score: 575 Median ACT composite score: 24 Average net price: $27K Graduation rate: 57% Median Starting salary: $34K Undergraduate enrollment: 922

#18. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

University of Phoenix-Washington, WA

89 miles
Average net price: $14K Graduation rate: 16% Median Starting salary: $28K Undergraduate enrollment: 64

#19. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

University of Washington-Bothell Campus, WA

89 miles
Admission rate: 79% Median SAT math score: 580 Median SAT read score: 560 Median ACT composite score: 23 Average net price: $10K Graduation rate: 63% Median Starting salary: $45K Undergraduate enrollment: 5,363

#20. Colleges near Wenatchee Valley College, WA

Cascadia College, WA

89 miles
Average net price: $10K Graduation rate: 29% Median Starting salary: $34K Undergraduate enrollment: 2,191

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Distance from ZIP Code

Admission Rate (%)

Median ACT Cum

Median SAT Math

Median SAT Read

In-State Tuition ($)

Out-of-State Tuition ($)

Average Total Cost ($)

Average Net Cost ($)

Receive Federal Loans (%)

Median Federal Debt ($)

Repayment Rate (%)

Median Payment ($)

Retention Rate (%)

Transfer Rate (%)

Withdrawal Rate (%)

Graduation Rate (%)

Employment Rate (%)

Median Salary ($)

Salary (25 Percentile) ($)

Salary (75 Percentile) ($)